"Issuer Switch Inoperative" (Error code 91)
"Invalid Transaction" (Error code 12)
"Invalid username or password" (Error code 206)
"EMV Card Swiped. Insert Card" (Error code 5022)
"Reader not Found" (Error code 5005)
"Card reader not found while searching "
When will my money be deposited?
"Previous transaction is pending"
"TID NOT PRESENT" (Error code 89)
"Timed Out in Amount Confirmation" (Error code 5035)
What types of payments can I accept using ePaisa?
I am having trouble with my Internet connection. Can I still swipe card payments?
"Routing Error" (Error code 92)
In the application I do not see any inventory management tool/ options
Can I use my account in a diferrent region at the same time?
Can I get another ePaisa Card Reader?
I forgot my username/password. What do I do?
Which devices are compatible with the ePaisa app?
Can I access my ePaisa account from another device?
"Transaction failed due to low Internet bandwidth" (Error code 312)
"Exception Raised in Reader Connection" (Error code 5014)
"Daily Limit Exceeded. Need to settle Transactions" (Error code 127)
Which devices are compatible with the ePaisa Card Reader?
"Blank MID/TID"
"Transaction Aborted" (Error code 5027)
"Format Error" (Error code 30)
How do I edit any of the customer information after we have entered it?
"Please Check the Reader is switched on" (Error code 5006)
"Void" (Error code 120)
"Session Establishment Failed" (Error Code 308)
"Unknown response from processor"
"Reversal/ Void success" (Error code 000)
"Reader and Mobile not yet connected" (Error code 701)
"Do not honor" (Error code 5)
"Insert EMV Card Again" (Error code 5018)
Why won't my ePaisa Card Reader read swiped cards?
Are there any contracts or cancellation fees?